
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Zero / ゼロ

by: Bump of Chicken / バンプ・オブ・チキン
OST: Final Fantasy XIII: Rei-shiki / ファイナルファンタジー 零式



迷子の足音消えた 代わりに祈りの唄を
そこで炎になるのだろう 続く者の灯火に

瞳の色は夜の色 透明な空と同じ黒
確かさに置いて行かれて 探して見つめすぎたから

配られた地図がとても正しく どこかへ体を運んでいく
速過ぎる世界で 枯れないように
聞かせてただひとつの その名前を

終わりまであなたといたい それ以外確かな思いがない
ここでしか息ができない 何と引き換えても 守り抜かなきゃ
いつかきっと 他に誰もいない場所へ

心に翼をあげて どこへでも逃げろと言った
心は涙を拭いて どこにも逃げないでと言った
命まで届く正義の雨 飛べない生き物 泥濘の上
一本道の途中で 見つけた自由が
はなさないで どこまでも連れて行くよ

怖かったら叫んでほしい すぐ 隣にいるんだと知らせてほしい
震えて体で抱き合って 一人じゃないんだと 教えてほしい
だってずっと その体で生きてきたんでしょう

その瞬間に 最後が訪れるようで
ここだよって 教わった名前
何度でも呼ぶよ 最後が来ないように

聞かせてただひとつの その名前を

終わりまであなたといたい それ以外確かな想いがない
ここでしか息ができない 何と引き換えても守り抜かなきゃ
怖かったら叫んでほしい すぐ  隣にいたんだと知らせてほしい
終わりまであなたといたいもう それ以外確かな想いがない

架かる虹の麓に行こう ずっと一緒 離れないで
あの日のように 笑えなくていい
いつかきっと他に誰もいない場所へ いない場所へ

迷子の足音消えた 代わりに一人の唄を
続く者の灯火に 七色の灯火に
The sound of a lost child's footsteps disappeared, replaced by a song of prayer.
Now, it probably will grow ablaze, as a light for those who will carry on.

The color of your eyes is as of the night, a black like the transparent sky;
I left nothing to chance as I searched and gazed at them too much.

Indubitably, the map carries me somewhere;
So I won't wither in this very high-paced world,
Please tell me, just that one name.

I want to be with you until the end, and I am certain of nothing else.
I can only breathe here; whatever it may be worth, I'll definitely protect it.
Let us go to the base of the rainbow
Someday, for sure, to a place where there is no one else.

I told my heart to spread its wings and escape,
But it wiped away my tears and told me not to run away.
With the rain that serves justice to all, none can fly over the quagmire below.
The freedom we found along the lone, straight path
Will take us through thick and thin, never letting go.

I want you to tell me to cry out to you when I get scared, that you'll be next to me right away;
Shivering, embracing each other, I want you to tell me I'm not alone.
You don't have to make me smile like back in the days
Because we always got through even though we were like that, right?

I want to live without making promises.
At that instant, as though the final moment has come,
"It's here," you said, that name you taught me.
I'll call it again and again, just so it won't end.

In the world that's too vast, you chose for me,
Now please tell me, that single name.

I want to be with you until the end, and I am certain of nothing else.
I can only breathe here; whatever it may be worth, I'll definitely protect it.
I want you to tell me to cry out to you when I get scared, that you'll be next to me right away;
Ah, I really want to be with you until the end, and I am certain of nothing else.

Let us go to the base of the rainbow, always, together, and stay with me.
You don't have to make me smile like back in the days
Someday, for sure, to a place where there is no one else.

The footsteps of the lost child disappeared, replaced by a one person's song.
Now, it probably will grow ablaze,
As a light for those who will carry on... a prism-colored light.
Credit: Uta Map
Listen through Youtube.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Asunaro / あすなろ

by: Kenichi Suzumura / 鈴村健一
OST: Kamisama no Memochou ED02



もがく僕らは crying crying 共に


すべて運命(さだめ)だなんて神の落書きだ 丸めて捨てるさ
たったひとつの冴えたやり方 いつも胸に抱いて
夜明け 睨みつけるよ

机上の空論 素晴らしいシミュレーション
スニーカーのひも 結んでさあ



名もなき花は明日へ 生まれ変わるため
誇り高く伸びゆく姿 僕ら知ってるんだよ

生まれ落ちた謎はすべて終わる時 解けると信じて
たったひとつの冴えたやり方 神を欺くんだ
In the backalley there is a dark, dark glow
Like winged insects that gather there.
Struggling, we cry together
with those smouldering hidden emotions.

"What should I do?"
That, I do not know.
I fear the significance of a life without limits.
But both my numb, tired legs
Are begging me to stand up!

Everything has been predestined? It's just God's scrawl I roll up and throw away.
I always hold close the only way that became clear to me
And glare at the dawn.

Ambivalent conversations about the future
Are mere empty theories, a wonderful simulation.
I tie the laces on my sneakers
And start by lifting my head as planned.

Countless footsteps hitting the asphalt,
Each one has a meaning.
Searching the reason for my existence,
I whistle and walk on.

If I meet God peeping from outside the miniature garden
I want to try gagging him and smack his face at least once.

In order for the nameless flower to make a fresh start tomorrow,
I wake up from the dream.
We know its proud, grown form.

Believing that the mystery of my birth will become clear in the end,
I deceive God with the only way that became clear to me.
I will live through today.
Credit: Uta Net
Listen through Youtube.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Boku ni Dekiru Koto / 僕にできること

OST: Natsume Yuujinchou San OP1



答えのない日々に 溜息漏らす度
耳を澄ましても 聞こえない君の声

伝えられずにいた想いは時を経て 蛹になって

忘れない 大切な ひとつ ひとつ
届くかな この想い どうか いつか

歩き疲れて 立ち止まった十字路
いくつかの苦い想い こぼれてしまわぬよう
ポケットに詰め込んで 旅は続く

回り道 寄り道 何度もしちゃったけど もうすぐ辿り着く

探してた なくしてた ひとつ ふたつ
すれ違う 名前なき ひとり ふたり
きっとまだ 気づかないことばかり
答えを照らす 光はどこにある?

忘れない 大切な ひとつ
届くかな この想い どうか いつか

かなわない 願いなど ないさ きっと
届いたよ その想い 強く 深く
たった今 この僕にできること
On these meaningless days I let out a sigh.
I realize I've already lost sight of my true self.
Even though I listen carefully I cannot hear your voice;
I chase after it and keep walking today as well.

These feelings I could not express turn into a chrysalis over time
And before long they spread wings and take off.

I won't forget this one important thing
Will these feelings reach you, I wonder... I hope they do someday.
I want to try every tiny thing I can do
So I can convey them to you even little by little.

I got tired from walking, and at the crossroads where I stopped
A flower with that smell I missed was blooming.
Not letting the several bitter memories from overflowing,
I crammed them in my pocket and continued on my journey.

I stopped by countless detours on the way, but soon I'll arrive
At the place where the future and the past meet.

I found and lost a few things,
Missed out on one or two people whose names I do not know.
Surely there are things I still haven't realized
So where is the light that would shed all the answers?

I won't forget this one important thing
Will these feelings reach you, I wonder... I hope they do someday.
I want to do every tiny thing I can do
So I can convey them to you even little by little.

Surely there are no such things as wishes that don't come true.
Those feelings got through, strongly and deeply.
I will do what I can right now
And afterwards try keeping it up for a bit longer.
Credit: Uta Map
Listen through Youtube.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


by: Rookiez is Punk'd
OST: Ao no Exorcist OP2



Dark side in my heart is
It's alright 心にもない
Blastar放ち 手を伸ばした
my life 切り離した
存在証明 一切もうねぇ

避けて通れない道は いつからかこんなだった

やりきれなくてcry for pride
ah, ah, ah, alone in my world
歪んだ現実 曲がった願い
good bye precious life

Dark cloud in my heart is
Let's fight 恐れはない
my life 一人きりじゃない
存在証明 一切肯定

避けて通れない道は いつだってこんなだった

がむしゃらになってtry for pride
ah, ah, ah alone in my world
歪んだ世界 届かす願い
it's my precious life

傷だらけになって try for pride
ah, ah, ah alone in my world
歪んだ世界 届かす願い
It's my precious life
Dark side in my heart is
the sadness of the past that won't go away.
It's alright, I don't really mean it;
And I stretched out my hand and blasted away.
I cut my life loose
so I could gaze at it within a picture frame.
There's no proof of my existence anymore
and I'm only barely holding on.

Since when did the unavoidable path become like this?
And now there's no one left...

Fuck fate!
It's so unbearable I cry for pride.
Ah, ah, ah, alone in my world
The aria of love resounds!
The distorted reality, twisted desires;
My ideals and my tomorrow are crumbling away.
It was so boring I could throw up,
Good bye precious life.

Dark cloud in my heart is
the road that light is shining on and clearing up.
Let's fight, there's nothing to fear;
I help up a double-edged sword.
My life isn't all on my own;
With my friends' voices leading the way,
The proof of my existence has been completely affirmed.
I have been freed.

Since when did the unavoidable way be like this?
My hesitation has disappeared...

Fuck fate!
I grew reckless tried for pride
Ah, ah, ah, alone in my world,
I can hear aria of love...
The distorted world, inexpressible desires,
Even soft sounds were crushed;
They were so important, you could throw up.
It's my precious life.

Repaint fate!
I grow filled with scars yet try for pride
Ah, ah, ah, alone in my world,
yet I will still sing of love!
The distorted world, inexpressible desires,
The bonds and the future to be built up;
Even if you throw them up, they're important in the end,
It's my precious life.
Credit: Uta Map
Listen through Youtube.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


by: T.M.Revolution
OST: Sengoku Basara - The Last Party OP



競え 百花(はな)の色 映し出せ 繚乱に
斯くも 旗の下 沸き立った絆
耀きを刻むモノが 時代を呼べる

竜巻のように荒ぶる 欲望が描かせている
夜だけにギラつく虹は ドギつくて なのに惹かれて

固唾を呑み込む 視線のまにまに
一歩も引かない 煌めきが迫る

集え 華の宴 咲き急げ 頂上に
よくぞ 旗の下 迸る魂
瞬間を疾走(はし)らなけりゃ 生命は燃えず

無理やりに胸に沈めた 鋼は眠らないだろう?
傷跡も醜い闇も 見せつけて己を示せ

躊躇う背中を 運命に押される
この世が平伏す 勝どきの為に

誇れ 夏の乱 響き合え 最強に
もはや 旗を背に 失くせない光
超えたがる 想いこそが 時代を起こす


集え 華の宴 咲き急げ 頂上に
よくぞ 旗の下 迸る魂
瞬間を疾走(はし)らなけりゃ 生命は燃えず

耀きを刻むモノよ! 時代を起こせ!
Engage! Project the color of a hundred flowers amongst the profusion!
The spirit to fight piles up,
Excited bonds underneath the flags grow so much.
These things that etch radiance upon us call out to the times.

Just like tornadoes, our raging desires are being drawn;
Because of the night the glaring rainbow is harsh, and yet we are charmed by it.

At the mercy of the gaze that holds our breath,
We do not budge an inch. The radiance draws near.
We have aimed for the heavens!

Assemble! Hurry to the the feast of cherry blossoms at the summit!
Knock up a storm towards tomorrow!
Admirable is the spirit surging beneath the flags.
Unless we live the moment, our existence will never get fired up.

Steel forcibly embedded into our hearts simply won't settle down, don't you agree?
The scars, the ugly darkness, display them; show your self!

Fate presses down hard upon those who hesitate!
This world bows down before us because of our moment of victory
Go on, be proud!

Be proud, the summer revolution echoes so strongly!
Hearts that are spread out respond
The ever-present light is already upon the flags on our backs
Surely, the desires of wanting to surpass stir up the generations.

Aim for the heavens...!

Assemble! Hurry to the the feast of cherry blossoms at the summit!
Knock up a storm towards tomorrow!
Admirable is the spirit surging beneath the flags.
Unless we live the moment, our existence will never get fired up.

These things etch radiance upon us! Stir up the generations!
Credit: Uta Map
Listen through Youtube.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Core Pride

by: UVERworld
OST: Ao no Exorcist OP1



生を受け それぞれが人生を謳歌 脳のブラックボックスを知る それは幸か?
要はリミットラインをすべて凌駕 さぁ行こうか 踏み出す それは今日だ
やっぱ日々は如何せん こう そつなく過ごしてちゃ NO NO

ストップ 流れを見極めな まずものともせず行こうぜ HERE WE GO

届かぬ物や限りあるものに 熱くなる胸を押さえつけるのは
理解もせず 押さえつけようとしてきた
嫌いで 許せなかった あの大人達と同じじゃんかよ

どうしたって 叶わない絵空事だろうが
空から降る黒い雨が この身を濡らし降り止まなくとも
まだ消させはしないこの胸の火 それがプライド。

予報通りに降り出した雨 予想以上に仲間は集まった
お互いの日々や将来の話で 熱くなって殴り合いになった

お前が笑い出すから 変わってないな…って 俺も吹き出したんだ

そうやって意地張って 踏ん張って生きてなくちゃ 時間の流れさえも怖くなる
本当に殴るべき相手は そんな自分だろ
ただ今は負けたくない 自分に負けないプライド!

ストップ流れを見極めな まずものともせず行こうぜ HERE WE GO
ストップ流れを見極めな まずものともせず行こうぜ HERE WE GO

どうしたって やっぱ一人の夜は 自分の事さえも分からなくなる
そんな俺と分かり合おうとしてくれる君が居るなら もっと強くなれる

もうどうなったて良い 格好悪くたって良い
どうしたって 変えれない運命だと言われても
まだ俺は変われる 自分で変えてみせる


まだまだ消えるな 心の火を
まだ忘れたくない 胸の熱さを
まだまだ消えるな 心の火を
まだまだ行けるぞ  行けるぞ
Being born into this world, each exults his own life, understanding the mystery of the mind; Is that happiness?
The point is to surpass all your limits, so shall we go? We advance, now!
Indeed, life is pointless so spending it flawlessly like this is a No-No.

Stop, let's go defy which way the world goes! Here we go!

The inexpressible things, limited things, those which bear down on my heart,
I simply tried to push them back without understanding.
I hated it so much that I couldn't forgive, just like those adults, huh?

It may seem to be a pipe dream that won't come true no matter what but
I won't let anyone douse the flame that sets my heart on fire.
Even if the black rain that won't stop falling from the sky soaks my body up,
I won't let it out, this flame in my heart. That is what you call "pride".

The rain began to fall as predicted, more comrades had gathered than I expected.
Talking of the days we shared and of the future, we got heated up and came into exchanging blows.

I remember fighting over the same things
In order to escape the anxiety back when I was fifteen,
Then you burst into laughter, saying "you haven't changed," so I started laughing too.

Unless I live like that, not giving, standing firm, even the flow of time could become frightening.
Him whom I should really beat up is me, right?
Right now, though, I don't want to lose; it's the "pride" not to lose to myself!

Stop, let's go defy which way the world goes! Here we go!
Stop, let's go defy which way the world goes! Here we go!

No matter what, lonely nights are when I become unable to understand even myself.
For as long as you who try to come understand that kind of me, are here, I can become much stronger.

I don't care what happens already, I don't care if it's uncool,
Down to my very last breath I'm going to change the future!
Even though I'm told it's fate I can't change no matter what I do,
I can still change; I will show you I can change by myself!

Yeah, this is what I call "pride", in every way...

Don't go out just yet, the blaze in my spirit!
I don't want to forget the passion of my heart!
Don't go out just yet, the blaze in my spirit!
I can still do this, yeah I can do this!
Credit: Uta Map
Listen through Youtube.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Hoshi no Sumika / 星のすみか

by: Aobozu / 藍坊主
OST: Tiger & Bunny ED1









From the bright stars that keep on shining
From that bright sky that keeps on shining
As if having swallowed some dark drink,
My chest grew full, my heart taking night form.

In the distant past where no man lived the stars were smashed
The fragments bound together, turning into the earth;
For some reason, our life was formed from such material,
And our blood, liquid stardust.

Hello there, summer sky, though we can no longer shine.
Hello there. For as long as we feel pain, our insides will shine again!

From the bright stars that keep on shining
From that bright sky that keeps on shining
What can we feel, I wonder?
A beauty similar to eternity?
From the bright stars that keep on shining
From that bright sky that keeps on shining
Gems, trash, love, hatred;
My heart is a collection of just about everything.

If I disappear and turn into a fossil in the distant future,
What would people see in me, I wonder?
Even if they analyze, decipher and give me a name,
Only I would know the one I loved.

Hello there. Your inner frame shakes to that immeasurable weight.
Hello there. You cannot live to be anyone other than yourself!

From the bright stars that keep on shining
From that bright sky that keeps on shining
What can we feel, I wonder?
The universe isn't the only wonder there is.
From the bright stars that keep on shining
From that bright sky that keeps on shining
You say I should close my eyes when it is just too much,
My heart has not even obtained that star.
Credit: Uta Map

Listen through Youtube. 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Orion wo Nazoru / オリオンをなぞる

by: Unison Square Garden
OST: Tiger & Bunny OP1



ごきげんよう どうかしたんだろ?
千里眼千里眼? めっそうないです

退屈ガール 恵まれたいのかい
ヴィーナスサステイン 踊る街並み

Perfectly, Euphoria!

ほら 僕達なんて十分適度にドラマチックさ

オリオンをなぞる こんな深い夜
つながりたい 離されたい
新未来を願う 空前絶後の
言葉がもし、もし紡げるなら 時間が止まるよ


千里眼千里眼? 今はなんとも

退屈ガール 歌を歌うのかい
ヴィーナスサステイン 確かな感動

Perfectly, Euphoria!

切っても切れないんだ いい加減そろそろわかってよ
さあ 右手を伸ばして 暗い闇の底
お宝の探し 軽くテンション MAX

夢を見て 恋をして あきれ返るような日々を謳う
ナイフを持つ その、本当の意味が
あなたにもし、もしわかるのなら すごく嬉しいんだ

何度よろけて 倒れたとしても
さっき立ってたんだし 立てないわけがないよ
光る声は 軽くなって 宙に浮いて なるべくって 遠くへ

オリオンをなぞる こんな深い夜
つながりたい 離されたい つまり半信半疑あっちこっち
新未来を願う 空前絶後の
言葉がもし、もし紡げるなら 時間が止まるよ

オリオンをなぞる こんな深い夜に
僕がいて あなたがいて それだけで 十分かな
新未来を願う 空前絶後の
言葉がもし、もし紡げるなら 一緒に飛ばそうよ

昨日までをちゃんと愛して 見たことない景色を見るよ

Hello there, did something happen?
Just one look at your face and I can understand.
Clairvoyance, you say? It's not absurd.

Bored girl, do you want to be blessed?
After continued deliberations, the verdict is
Venus sustains the dancing townscape.

Perfect(ly) Euphoria!

You cry, talking as if nothing's wrong.
Look, we think the drama is enough,
Trivial superstar.

Trace the Orion on this deep night.
Wanting to connect, wanting to part,
In other words wallowing in doubt here and there,
Hope for a new future.
Should the first, and final, words be said, time would stop.

"Things aren't supposed to end here."

Cheers to the grand announcement on the latest technology!
Is it clairvoyance? That was nothing.

Bored girl, will you sing a song?
It's okay whether or not there's an audience.
Venus sustains such a certain passion.

Perfect(ly) Euphoria!

We're inseparable, shouldn't you get it by now?
Come, stretch out your right hand towards the depth of unfamiliar darkness, treasure hunting.
Light-hearted tension to the MAX!

Lastly, declare your laughable youth
Of dreaming, of falling in love, of utterly amazing days.
"Carry a knife", those words' true meaning,
Should you understand it, I'll be immensely happy.

No matter how often you've stumbled and fallen,
Because you stood up just earlier, there's no way you couldn't stand.
The glittering voice's become so light it floats as far away as it can.

Trace the Orion on this deep night.
Wanting to connect, wanting to part,
In other words wallowing in doubt here and there,
Hope for a new future.
Should the first, and final, words be said, time would stop.

Trace the Orion on this deep night.
I'm here, you're here, I think that should be enough.
Hope for a new future.
Should the first, and final, words be said, together, let them fly!

Love all that was until yesterday, and you'll see a landscape that you've never seen before!

"Things aren't supposed to end here."
Credit: Uta Map

Listen through Youtube.